Monday, January 16, 2012

Outdoor Websites:

Ok, to get started I just want everyone to know the secret to buying quality gear is in the reviews. Whatever you are looking for look at the reviews. Also, know that there is always at least one person that loves the item and one that absolutely hates it, go with the majority. I believe in using the free chat links on the websites. Pick there gear junkies brains, ask them what they would use and always give the a price ceiling or you will be shown their most expensive equipment. Remember they are paid to sell products not necessarily to give you the best deal.
The website links on the right of the page are the sites I visit most. Let me break them down for you. Best deals are found on steepandcheap but they rotate their deals so you never know when and if the thing you need will pop up. On the right of their page are links to similar websites that specialize in bike stuff and snowboard/skateboarding gear. Know that all of those websites cycle their deals about every 30 minutes and some deals show up more frequently until the items are sold.
Campsaver is my favorite gear store, it is a local store for me, because there warehouse is only a few miles away. They have great deals, great customer service, and great gear.
REI is the most informative and usually has close locations if you need to try on or want to look at the gear. The learn tab is the best part of their site if you have a question they have an answer.
Backcountry is one of the biggest sites and has the best gear chat, with a great satisfaction guarantee. However, they can be pricey, their discount website is I usually look their if I can't find a good price other places.
The Clymb is a member website, leave a comment with your email and I will send you and invite, they have really good deals. They change gear deals every few days and are usually 50-70% off. However, they are hit and miss on shipping, it comes fast and slow so be aware.
I hope this helps.

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